Ruth Kinna is Lecturer in Politics at Loughborough University, UK. She is the author of William Morris : The Art of Socialism and co-editor of the journal Anarchist Studies. Her research focuses on socialism and anarchism in 19th century Britain.


KINNA, Ruth. "Fields of Vision: Kropotkin and Revolutionary Change"

Substance: A Review of Theory & Literary Criticism (2007) Vol. 36 Issue 2, p. 67-86. Kropotkin’s critique of capitalism and the theory of (...)

KINNA, Ruth. "Kropotkin’s Theory of Mutual Aid in Historical Context’

International Review of Social History (Aug 95) Vol. 40 Issue 2, p. 259, 25p. Abstract from author This paper examines the relationship between (...)

DAVIS, Lawrence and Ruth Kinna (eds.). Anarchism and Utopianism

Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008

KINNA, Ruth. Anarchism : a Beginner’s Guide

Oxford : Oneworld, 2005. 192 pages. ISBN-13 : 9781851683703 The rise of the worldwide anti-globalization movement has led to a renewed (...)

KINNA, Ruth. "Rebel Alliances: The Means and Ends of Contemporary British Anarchisms"

Contemporary Political Theory Volume: 7 Issue: 3 (2008-08-01) p. 341-343.

DAVIS, Laurence and Ruth KINNA, eds. Anarchism and utopianism

Manchester University Press, 2009. 234x156mm. 304 p. This collection of original essays examines the relationship between anarchism and (...)

Alex Prichard, Ruth Kinna, Saku Pinta and Dave Berry, eds. Libertarian Socialism

Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 288 p. ISBN : 9780230280373 (Hardback). Editor’s Presentation The history of the left is usually told as one of (...)