TURCATO, Davide, researcher

Davide Turcato is a language engineer.

In 2009, as a PhD student with the department of History, Simon Fraser University, Davide Turcato has won the prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal. This is the highest award granted to a Canadian student for academic achievement and was awarded for his thesis "Making Sense of Anarchism : The Experiments with Revolution of Errico Malatesta, Italian Exile in London, 1889-1900."

He is currently editing the complete works of Errico Malatesta for the publishers Edizioni "Zero in Conduct" and "La Fiaccola".


MALATESTA, Errico.- Opere Complete. "LO SCIOPERO ARMATO". Il lungo esilio londinese 1900-1913 vol. 5

Saggio introduttrivo di Carl Levy. Zero in Condotta, Milano (Italia). 320 p. ISBN10 8895950380; ISBN13 9788895950389 Presentazione del (...)