Occupy Wall Street


FERRUA, Pietro. "Indignados/ “Occupy Wall Street” visto da Portland, Oregon"

Quarant’anni or sono Portland era considerata una città mediocre. Due esempi: veniva scelta come prototipo della mentalità dell’americano medio e (...)

GRAEBER, David. The “Cancer” In Occupy? An Anarchist Reponds

“The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement.” Chris Hedges, (...)

GRAEBER, David. The New York Police Department’s New Strategy : Sexually Assaulting Peaceful Protestors

A few weeks ago I was with a few companions from Occupy Wall Street in Union Square when an old friend—I’ll call her Eileen—passed through, her hand (...)

KNABB, Ken. "Il ne s’agit pas d’une série de protestations mais d’un mouvement".

Anecdotique ? Ou, au contraire, l’un des mouvements politiques les plus importants de l’après-guerre ? Depuis la France, il est difficile de prendre (...)

LAGALISSE, Erica. "Participation et influences anarchistes dans le Mouvement “Occupy Wall Street”"

J’ai lu les débats en Espagnol sur le mouvement “Occupy Wall Street” et je vois qu’il y a un grand manque d’information et de curiosité sur comment est (...)

GRAEBER, David: On Playing By The Rules – The Strange Success of "Occupy Wall Street"

Just a few months ago, I wrote a piece for Adbusters that started with a conversation I’d had with an Egyptian activist friend named Dina: All (...)