

BOOKCHIN, Murray. Bibliography

Works 1950 "State Capitalism in Russia," under the pseudonym M. S. Shiloh, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES: A MAGAZINE FOR A DEMOCRACY OF CONTENT, vol. 2, (...)

BOOKCHIN, Murray. Society and Ecology

The problems which many people face today in "defining" themselves, in knowing "who they are"—problems that feed a vast psychotherapy industry—are (...)

GOODWIN, Adam. "Evolution and Anarchism in International Relations: The Challenge of Kropotkin’s Biological Ontology"

This project will utilize Peter Kropotkin’s theory of Mutual Aid to reconsider ontology in IR. Mutual Aid Theory holds that the evolution of (...)

STEVENS, Annick, "Faut-il chercher dans la nature un fondement des valeurs morales ?"

Réfractions No. 23 (Automne 2009) Il est tentant, lorsqu’on souhaite répandre certaines valeurs morales et en disqualifier d’autres, de chercher à (...)

GARCIA, Renaud.- "Kropotkine, un pionnier de la sociobiologie ?"

2011-05-12 / 05 - Renaud Garcia : "Kropotkine, un pionnier de la sociobiologie ?" from Atelier de création libertaire on Vimeo. Atelier de (...)