2009 Past Meetings and Events


March 14, North Shields (UK).- 25th Anniversary of the start of the Miners Strike event and the 3rd Working Class Bookfair

Saturday, March 14, 2009 11:00am - 4:00pm Linskill centre Linskil Terrace (Trevor Terrace leads to the venue too) North Shields, United (...)

October 2, 3-4 Florence (Italy).- 4th International Anarchist and Libertarian Bookfair

To publishers, editors, self-producers, groups, organizations, individuals. To anarchist periodicals In view of the success obtained by the three (...)

April 11, 2009.- 3rd Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, will host its third annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, a (...)

September 2-4 Manchester.- "Workshops in Political Theory"

Manchester** Metropolitan University*** September 2 – 4 2009 *Anarchism* Proposals are invited on the following two themes : Theorising (...)