MASON-DARNELL, Todd Christopher. " The Light that Classical Anarchism Throws upon Ethical Theory "

ethicspolitics* bibliographie

Ph.D. 1996. 254 p. The University of Texas At Austin, Supervisor: David Braybrooke
DAI, VOL. 57-09A, Page 3974

“Beyond the focus on the feasibility of a society without coercive political institutions, [the author describes] the motives behind the attacks on coercive political institutions and the alternatives that they offer. These express subtle concerns about the effects of the rules we choose to govern our society as well as the theories, be they ethical or political, that we use to determine those rules. Through a formal analysis of rules, he distinguishes four forms of anarchism, differentiated by the types of systems of rules they allow. These forms are then applied to political and ethical theories, to an Ethical-Political Test, in order to determine their implication for classical anarchism, morality in general and contemporary liberalism”.