REYNAUD-PALIGOT, Carole. "Les Temps nouveaux" 1895-1914. Un hebdomadaire anarchiste au tournant du siècle.
Pantin : Éditions Acratie, 1993. 126 p. CIRA, Lausanne
Pantin : Éditions Acratie, 1993. 126 p. CIRA, Lausanne
"Lorsque éclatent les insurrections coloniales et que s’enclenche le cycle répressif avec les opérations de « maintien de l’ordre », en France le (...)
Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 10855661, Nov. 2000, Vol. 6, Issue 3 Summary "Inclusive democracy" (...)
Oxford and New York: Berg,1999. pp. i–xii, 1–272, ISBN 1–85973–984–9 hardback. Reviewed in Richard Bellamy, "Two views of Italy’s failed revolution" (...)
HEUER, Gottfried. "Jung’s twin brother. Otto Gross and Carl Gustav Jung. With an hitherto unpublished letter by C. G. Jung Journal of Analytical (...)
Babcock, Louis F. "The Assassination of President William McKinley", Niagra Frontier Miscellany, xxov (Buffalo Historical Society), 1947. Fox, (...)
Former member of the Reichstag in Germany. Editor of the anarchist papr Freiheit. A particularly eloquent orator. – "Johann Joseph Most", (...)
"I think people have a right to know there are dissenting views." Julie Herrada is the Curator of the Labadie Collection, University of (...)
Philosophy & Social Criticism, May 2001, Vol. 27, Issue 3. Derrida’s deconstructionism is applied to the critique of authority and to (...)
Oxford: Peter Lang,2000.263 p. ISBN 3-906765-57-1
"Democracy and Beyond", in Democracy & Nature vol 5 no 2, pp 313
Works 1950 "State Capitalism in Russia," under the pseudonym M. S. Shiloh, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES: A MAGAZINE FOR A DEMOCRACY OF CONTENT, vol. 2, (...)