WARD, Thomas Butler. " The Evolution of the Idea of Social Transformation in the Essays of Manuel Gonzalez Prada "

PeruPhilosophy. PositivismGONZALEZ PRADA, Manuel (1844-1918). Essayiste péruvien* bibliographie

257 p. Ph.D. 1988 The University of Connecticut, Adviser: Luis B. Eyzaguirre
DAI, VOL. 50-05A, Page 1320

“[The] final stage of thought in Gonzalez Prada’s intellectual development must be characterized as theoretical anarchism. The passage from positivism to anarchism, two seemingly opposite concepts, demonstrates Gonzalez Prada’s ability to synthesize and redefine diverse philosophical thought. It is this intellectual creativity that caused Gonzalez Prada’s ideas to influence Peruvians and Latin Americans, from his time to present day, hence his importance in the history of ideas in Hispanic America"