géographie et géopolitique


CLARK, John P. A Bibliography

Publications in English and other languages except French and Italian Français - Italiano 1972 "Creating a New School" in Innovative Education (...)

GONET-BOISSON, Gérard.- "Agents géographiques et société libertaire"

Mémoire de Diplôme d’études approfondies en géographie, Université de Pau, juin 2000. L’étude des géographes anarchistes, tels que Pierre Kropotkine ou (...)

BREITBART, Myrna. "Impressions of an Anarchist Landscape" .

Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Vol. 7, #2, 1975.

BREITBART, Myrna. "Peter Kropotkin, The Anarchist Geographer"

in: Geography, Ideology and Social Concern, Edited by David Stoddart, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England, 1981, pp. (...)

BREITBART, Myrna. "Aproximacion a una neuva organizacion del espacio y la economia rural:los colectivos agraios espanoles"

in: Metodos y Conceptos en Geografia Rural, edited by M.D.Garcia Ramon, oikos-tau, s.a., Barcelona, 1981, pp.157-170.

BREITBART, Myrna ed. Anarquismo y Geografía

Barcelona: Oikos-tau, 1988. 150 p. ISBN:8428106363 – 384 p. ; 19x14 cm. - 1ª ed. (10/1988). "Los vínculos entre anarquismo y geografía son (...)

DEBORD, Guy. "Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography"

Of all the affairs we participate in, with or without interest, the groping search for a new way of life is the only thing that remains really (...)

COOK, Ian & David PEPPER, eds. "Anarchism and Geography"

Contemporary Issues in Geography and Education vol. 3 #2.

ROSLAK, Robyn, "Organicism and the Construction of a Utopian Geography: The Role of Landscape in Anarcho-Communism and Neo-Impressionism,"

Utopian Studies 1, no. 2 (1990): 96-114.

INCE, Ince, A. ‘Whither Anarchist Geography?’

IN JUN, N and WAHL, S [eds.] New Perspectives on Anarchism. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2009.

EVA, Fabrizio. "Un approccio antropologico. Usare la geografia di Reclus per capire le dinamiche geopolitiche"

Rivista anarchica, anno 35 n. 310 (estate 2005) Ancora oggi geografi di nome dedicano tempo e attenzione alla rilettura degli scritti di (...)

EVA, Fabrizio. "International boundaries, geopolitics and the (post)modern territorial discourse: The functional fiction"

Geopolitics, Volume 3, Issue 1 Summer 1998 , pages 32 - 52 Author’s Abstract In this paper I will demonstrate that the Westphalia System is (...)