HEM DAY, pseud. de Marcel ou Henri DIEU. (1902-1969). Anarchiste belge, libraire et historien. Bibliographie
– À l’Ecole de Godwin. La non-violence comme technique de libération, éd. Pensée et Action, Paris-Bruxelles, 1953, 8 p. CDA, IFHS Alerte ! Voici les (...)
GODWIN, William
– Sull’educazione e altri scritti, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1992
CLARK, John P. A Bibliography
Publications in English and other languages except French and Italian Français - Italiano
1972 "Creating a New School" in Innovative Education (...)
THÉVENET, Alain.- "Perfectibilité et justice dans l’œuvre de William Godwin"
Mémoire D.E.A. philosophie Alain Thévenet ; dir. Blandine Kriegel, Lyon : Univ. Lyon 3, ca 1995
CIRA, Lausanne
THÉVENET, Alain. "William Godwin (1756-1836) : des lumières à l’anarchisme"
Thèse Lettres, Lyon 3, sous la dir. de François Guéry, Lyon, Université Jean Moulin : 2000. 2 vol. (370, 297 f.). [Le vol. 2 est un vol. d’annexes]. (...)
1789-1792. La Révolution française : Quel héritage ?
MANFREDONIA, Gaetano (sous la direction de) Les anarchistes et la Révolution Française, Paris, Ed. Monde Libertaire, Bibliothèque Anarchiste, 1990. (...)
CLARK, John. Municipal Dreams : A Social Ecological Critique of Bookchin’s Politics (1)
In the following discussion, Murray Bookchin’s libertarian municipalist politics is analyzed from the perspective of social ecology. This analysis (...)
BROWN, F. K. "A Life of William Godwin".
University of Oxford Ph.D. 1921
CLARK, John P. "The Social and Political Philosophy of William Godwin"
Tulane University, Ph.D. 1974
MARSHALL, Peter H. " William Godwin : A Study of the Origins, Development and Influence of His Philosophy "
University of Sussex, U.K., Ph.D. 1976
ROBERSON, Christopher Joseph. " Godwin Revisited: Anarchism For The Real World "
Ph.D. 1996. 237 p. The University Of Michigan Chair: Elizabeth Anderson
DAI, VOL. 57-03A, Page 1174,
“My dissertation explores the possibility (...)
STONE, William Bennett. " The sovereignty of individual private judgment in the moral philosophy of William Godwin "
Ph. D. The Florida State University, 1999. 221 p. Adviser: Donald Hodges. ISBN: 0-599-51076-5
DAI-A 60/10, p. 3687, Apr 2000
" It is argued (...)