AVRICH, Paul. Bibliography
A major American historian of anarchism in the United States, but also of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
A major American historian of anarchism in the United States, but also of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Mémoire de licence,Saint-Gall : Ecole des hautes études économiques juridiques et sociales, 1996 CIRA, Lausanne
306 P. Ph.D. 1993 Columbia University DAI, VOL. 54-02A, Page 0664 Examines the social composition of the anarchist leadership, organizational (...)
University of California at Los Angeles, Ph. D. 1971
Ph. D. 1993. University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, Adviser: D. Koenke. DAI, VOL. 54-05A, Page 1913 “Following the victory of the Bolsheviks (...)
University of Bristol, U.K., Ph.D. 1981
Paris , Institut de recherche et d’étude des nouvelles institutions et sociétés à l’Est , Institut d’études slaves (Collection : "Cultures et sociétés de (...)
Iztok. Saint-Denis , Le vent du ch’min (Les cahiers du vent du ch’min, ISSN 0293-7727 ; 3), 1983. 65 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN/ISSN : 290292013X 5 (...)
Film di Hélène Chatelain
American Historical Review (Feb. 2007) Vol. 112 Issue 1, p. 101-130. Abstract The article discusses the experience of the Russian populist and (...)
An eyewitness account of the 1921 hunger strike in Moscow Kate Sharpley Library (BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX, UK; PMB 820, 2425 Channing (...)
– "Anarchisme et internationalisme : Autour du Manifeste des Seize". In : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique. Vol. 22 N°2-3. Avril-Septembre 1981. (...)