AVRICH, Paul. Bibliography
Works on Anarchism by Paul AVRICH
VANZETTI, Bartolomeo (1888-1927)SACCO, Nicola (1891-1927)PROUDHON, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865)United States (USA)BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876)State and statismAnarchist schools and cultural circles. See also Education; Universitiesliterature: poetryKROPOTKINE, Petr Alekseevitch (1842-1921) FLORES MAGÓN, Ricardo (1873-1922)AVRICH, PaulTUCKER, Benjamin Ricketson, (1854-1939)art: sculptureRussian Revolution of 1917Russian Revolution.- Kronstadt (1921)Chicago (Ill., USA)DE CLEYRE, Voltairine (1866-1912)economy: agricultureZHELEZNIAKOV, AnatoliLÉNINE, Vladimir IliitchMAKHNO, Nestor Ivanovitch (1889-1934) et le mouvement makhnovisteSTEIMER, MollieLaw. Symbolic attacks, explosions, assassination attemptsCONRAD, Joseph, (1857-1924)WOLFF, AdolfHaymarket Square Tragedy (Chicago, Ill., USA, 1886)Russia.- History of anarchismHistory. Historians* bibliographieBooks
– The Russian Anarchists, Princeton University Press, 1967, 303 pp.
- Paperback edn., Princeton,1971; W.W. Norton, 1978.
- Hardcover reprint, Greenwood Press, 1980
- Japanese edn., Tokyo, Godo Shuppan, 1971.
- Spanish edn., Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1974
- Italian edn., Milan, Edizioni Antistato, 1978
- French edn., Paris, Maspero, 1979.
– Kronstadt 1921, Princeton University Press, 1970, 271pp.
- French edn., Paris, Maspero, 1979.
- Paperback, W.W. Norton, 1974.
- Italian edn., Milan, Mondadori, 1972.
- Spanish edn., Buenos Aires, Proyecci, 1973.
- French edn., Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1975.
- Japanese edn., Tokyo, Gendai Shicho Sha, 1977
– Russian Rebels, 1600-1800, New York, Schocken Books, 1972, 309 pp.
- British edn., London, Allen Lane, 1973.
- Paperback, W. W. Norton, 1976.
History Book Club selection
– The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution, London, Thames & Hudson, 1973, 179 pp
- American edn., Cornell University Press, 1973
- Italian edn., Milan, La Salamandra,1976
– An American Anarchist: The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre, Princeton University Press, 1978, 266 pp.
Nominated for Pulitzer Prize in Biography, 1979.
– The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States, Princeton University Press, 1980, 447 pp.
Nominated for Pulitzer Prize in Biography, 1981
– The Haymarket Tragedy, Princeton University Press, 1984, 535 pp.
Co-winner of Philip Taft Labor History Award, 1984. Nominated for Pulitzer Prize in History, 1985
- Paperback edn., Princeton, 1986.
– Anarchist Portraits, Princeton University Press, 1988, 316 pp.
- Paperback edn., Princeton 1990
– Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anarchist Background, Princeton University Press, 1991, 265 pp.
Nominated for the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize in History, 1991 History Book Club selection
– Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America, Princeton University Press,1995, 574 pp
See also review by Robert D’Attilio, "AN ANARCHIST COOKBOOK FOR HISTORIANS?" Boston Book Review (Sept 95)
- Abridged paperback edn., 1996, 323 pp.
Books Edited (with introductions, translations, bibliographies)
– Michael Bakunin, God and the State, New York, Dover Publications, 1970.
– Swedish edn., Stockholm, Federativs Forlag, 1977.
– Voltairine de Cleyre, The First Mayday: The Haymarket Speeches, 1895-1910, Sanday, Cienfuegos Press, 1980
- New York, Libertarian Book Club, 1980
- Minneapolis, Soil of Liberty, 1980.
– Peter Kropotkin, In Russian and French Prisons, New York, Schocken Books, 1971. Introduction
- translated into Hebrew and Spanish.
– Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid, London and New York, Allen Lane and New York University Press, 1972. Introduction
- translated into Yiddish.
– Peter Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread, London and New York, Allen Lane and New York University Press, 1972
– Alexander Berkman, What is Communist Anarchism?, New York, Dover Publications, 1972.
- Italian edn., Milan, La Salamandra, 1977.
- Japanese edn., Tokyo, Sugiyama Shoten, 1981. Introduction
- translated into Spanish and Yiddish Tipolitografica, 1978.
Other Introductions and Prefaces
– The Totalitarian Nightmare, Culver City, CA, Western World Press, 1975.
- Italian edn., Carrara, Cooperativa Tipolitografica, 1978.
– Preface to Domenico Tarizzo, L’Anarchia: storia dei movimenti libertari nel mondo, Milan, Mondadori, 1976.
- French edn., Paris, Editions Seghers, 1978.
– Proudhon and His “Bank of the People”, Chicago, Charles H. Kerr, 1984.
Articles (Chronological order)
– "The Short Course and Soviet Historiography", Political Science Quarterly 75 (1960) p.539.
– "The Sons of Freedom and the Promised Land " Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 21:3 (1962:July) p.264 .
– "The Bolshevik Revolution and Workers’ Control in Russian Industry", Slavic Review 22 (1963:Mar.) 1:47
– "Russian Factory Committees in 1917", Jahrbucher für Geschichte Osteuropas n.s.:11 (1963) p.161-182.
– "What is ’Makhaevism’?" Soviet Studies 17 (1965:July) 1:66
– “Anarchism and Anti-Intellectualism in Russia,” Journal of the History of Ideas, XXVII (July-September 1966),381-
– “The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution,” Russian Review, XXVI (October 1967), 341-50.
– "New Books on 1917", Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 27:2 (1968:Apr.) p.225
– “Russian Anarchists and the Civil War,” Russian Review, XXVII (July 1968), 296-306.
– “The Legacy of Bakunin,” Russian Review, XXIX (April 1970), 129-42.
– "Bakunin’s ’God and the State’" Anarchy 115 (1970:Sept.) p.276
– “On the New Class: A Libertarian Critique,” Libertarian Analysis, I (Winter 1970), 8-12.
– Libertarian Analysis, I (Winter 1970), 8-12.
– “Kropotkins Fuftsikster Yortsayt,” Freie Arbeiter Stimme, 1 February 1971.
– "Kronstadt". An Introduction Anarchy n.s.:2 (1971) p.3
– “Bakunin,” University Review, October 1971, 21-24.
– "The Last Maximalist: An Interview with Klara Klebanova" Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 32:4 (1973:Oct.) p.413.
– “Anarchists: Anatoli Zhelezniakov,” The Match, January 1974.
– “Peter Kropotkin,” Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edn.
– “The Paris Commune and Its Legacy,” The Match, March 1975.
– “Makhno and His Biographers,” Freedom, 12 April 1975
- reprinted in Maatstaf (Amsterdam),August-September 1976.
– “Memoirs of an Anarchist: An Interview with Lena Shlakman (1872-1975),” Freedom, 6, December 1975.
– “Anarchism in Russia,” The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, I (1976), 206-12.
– “Kropotkins etisch anarchisme,” in De volle vrijheid: Ideologie en geschiedenis van het anarchisme, ed. Frans Boenders (Brussels) and The Hague, Manteau, 1976), 41-75.
– “British Anarchists in America,” Freedom, 9 and 23 October 1976.
– “Bakunin and His Writings,” Canadian-American Slavic Studies, X (Winter 1976), 591-96
– “Conrad’s Anarchist Professor: An Undiscovered Source,” Labor History, XVIII (Summer 1977), 397-402.
- (reprint), in The Raven (London), 33, Spring 1996
– The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, IV (1977), 42-45.
– “Prison Letters of Ricardo Flores Magón to Lilly Sarnoff,” International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), Part 3, 379-422.
– “The Anarchists on the Socialization of Agriculture,” Freedom, 30 September 1978.
– Bakunin and Nechaev (pamphlet), London, Freedom Press, 1974, 32 pp.
- 2nd. edn., 1987.
– “Bakoenin en Kropotkin,” Spiegel Historiael (Haarlem), November 1979, pp. 585-94.
– “Bakunin and the United States,” International Review of Social History, XXIV (1979), Part 3, 320-40.
– “Kropotkin in America,” International Review of Social History, XXV (1980), Part 1, 1-34.
– ‘“La vida de Mollie Steimer: una anarquista,” in Mollie Steimer: toda una vida de lucha (Mexico City, Ediciones Antorcha, 1980), pp. 36-53.
- Expanded English version in Fighters for Anarchism: Mollie Steimer and Senya Fleshin (Minneapolis, Soil of Liberty, 1983), pp. 4-20.
– “Nestor Ivanovich Makhno,” The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, XXI (1981), 15-20.
– “Italian Anarchism in America: An Historical Background to the Sacco-Vanzetti Case,” in Sacco-Vanzetti: Developments and Reconsiderations (Boston, Boston Public Library,1982), pp. 61-67.
– “Bolshevik Opposition to Lenin: G. T. Miasnikov and the Workers’ Group,” Russian Review, Vol. 43, 1984 pp. 1-29
– "Bakunin och Netjajev" Fenix 2:2 (1984) p.18.
– “Anarkhizm in der geshikhte fun Amerike,” Problemen, March and May 1985.
– (and Francis NAUMANN), “Adolf Wolff: ’Poet, Sculptor and Revolutionist, but Mostly Revolutionist’,” The Art Bulletin, (September 1985), 486-500 (co-author).
- Repr. in Drunken Boat 1 (January 1992) 38-49
– “The Bomb-Thrower: A New Candidate,” in Haymarket Scrapbook, ed. Dave Roediger and Franklin Rosement (Chicago, Charles H. Kerr, 1986), pp. 71-73.
– “An Interview with Oriole Tucker,” in Benjamin R. Tucker and the Champions of Liberty, ed. Michael E. Coughlin, Charles H. Hamilton, and Mark A. Sullivan (St. Paul and New York, Michael E. Coughlin and Mark A. Sullivan Publishers, 1987), pp. 20-27.
– Zmanim (Times), Tel Aviv, No. 27-28–(Spring 1988), 68-78.
– “V.M. Eikhenbaum (Volin): Portrait of a Russian Anarchist,” in Imperial Russia, 1700-1917: State, Society, Opposition, ed. Ezra Mendelsohn and Marshall S. Shatz (Dekalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 1988), pp. 278-288.
– “The Anarchist Critique of Government,” in Voor Arthur Lehning, ed. Toke Van Helmond and J.
– “Sacco and Vanzetti—Innocent or Guilty?”, in Italian Americans: The Search for a Usable Past, ed. Richard N. Juliani and Philip V. Cannistraro (New York, American Italian Historical Association, 1989), pp. 210-15.
– CIRA Bulletin (Lausanne), No. 47 (January, 1991), pp. 4-6.
– “Sacco and Vanzetti,” The Italian American Review, V.2, No.1 (April 17, 1993), 73-80.
– Rivista anarchica (Milan), April 1995, pp. 10-19.
– “Attilio Bortolotti (1903-1995),” The Fifth Estate (Detroit), Summer 1995, p. 6.
– Bollettino Archivio G. Pinelli (Milan), July 1996, pp. 30-36.
Book Reviews
– David Footman, "Red Prelude: A Life of A. I. Zhelyabov", (Book Review) Soviet Studies 20:3 (1969:Jan.) p.397
– Allan K. Wildman, "The End of the Russian Imperial Army: The Old Army and the Soldiers’ Revolt (March-April 1917)" (Book Review) Soviet Studies 33:1 (1981:Jan.) p.150
– Israel Getzler, "Kronstadt 1917-1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy" (Book Review) Soviet Studies 36:1 (1984:Jan.) p.139
– Max Nomad, "Dreamers, Dynamiters, and Demagogues: Reminiscences" (Book Review) Slavic Review 24:3 (1965:Sept.) p.539.
– "Marxism in the Modern World", ed. Milorad M. Drachkovitch (Book Review) Slavic Review 25:3 (1966:Sept.) p.546
– "Michel Bakounine et l’Italie, 1871-1872", ed. Arthur Lehning (Book Review)
Slavic Review 27:4 (1968:Dec.) p.650.
– Michel Bakounine et les conflits dans l’Internationale, 1872: La question germano-slave (Book Review) Slavic Review 27:4 (1968:Dec.) p.650
– "Le communisme d’état", ed. Arthur Lehning (Book Review) Slavic Review 27:4 (1968:Dec.) p.650
– Michel Bakounine, "Gosudarstvennost’ i Anarkhiia (Etatisme et Anarchie)", trans. Marcel Body (Book Review) Slavic Review 27:4 (1968:Dec.) p.650.
– Olga A. Narkiewicz, "The Making of the Soviet State Apparatus" (Book Review)
Slavic Review 31:1 (1972:Mar.) p.168.
– Anthony Masters, "Bakunin: The Father of Anarchism" (Book Review) Slavic Review 35:2 (1976:June) p.330.
– Emile Capouya and Keitha Tompkins, eds., "The Essential Kropotkin" (Book Review) Slavic Review 35:3 (1976:Sept.) p.534.
– "Michel Bakounine et ses relations slaves, 1870-1875", ed. by Arthur Lehning (Book Review) Slavic Review 35:4 (1976:Dec.) p.735.
– "The "Confession" of Mikhail Bakunin", trans. by Robert C. Howes (Book Review) Slavic Review 37:1 (1978:Mar.) p.125.
– Nora Levin, "While Messiah Tarried: Jewish Socialist Movements, 1871-1917" (Book Review) Slavic Review 38:4 (1979:Dec.) p.671.
– Richard B. Saltman, "The Social and Political Thought of Michael Bakunin" (Book Review) Slavic Review 42:3 (1983:Fall) p.479.
– Robert M. Cutler, trans. and ed., "Mikhail Bakunin - From Out of the Dustbin: Bakunin’s Basic Writings, 1869-1871" (Book Review) Slavic Review 45:2 (1986:Summer) p.334.
– Caroline Cahm, "Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism" (Book Review) Slavic Review 50:3 (1991:Fall) p.705.
– KROPOTKIN, P. A. "Dnevniki raznych let". Edited by A. P. Lebedeva (Book Review) Besprechungen. Jahrbucher für Geschichte Osteuropas n.s.:43:3 (1995) p.436.
– "The Making of a Workers’ Revolution: Russian Social Democracy 1891-1903 "by Allan Wildman (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 27:3 (1968:July) p.354.
– "Autocratic Politics in a National Crisis: The Imperial Russian Government and Pugachev’s Revolt, 1773-1775", by John T. Alexander (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) : 29:3 (1970:July) p.337.
– "The Russian Revolution in Switzerland, 1914-1917", by Alfred Erich Senn (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 31:1 (1972:Jan.) p.83.
– The Marquis de Custine and His "Russia in 1839," by George F. Kennan (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 31:1 (1972:Jan.) p.96.
– "La révolte de Pougatchëv", by Pierre Pascal (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 31:2 (1972:Apr.) p.202.
– Peter Lavrov and the Russian Revolutionary Movement, by Philip Pomper (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 32:3 (1973:July) p.313.
– "The Unknown Civil War in Soviet Russia: A Study of the Green Movement in the Tambov Region 1920-1921", by Oliver H. Radkey (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 36:2 (1977:Apr.) p.225.
– The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd, by Alexander Rabinowitch (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 36:3 (1977:July) p.361.
– Sailors in Revolt: The Russian Baltic Fleet in 1917, by Norman E. Saul (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 37:4 (1978:Oct.) p.463.
– Marxism and the Russian Anarchists, by Anthony D’Agostino (Book Review)
Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 38:3 (1979:July) p.368.
– Nezavisimoe rabochee dvizhenie v 1918 godu: dokumenty i materialy, "edited and compiled by" M. S. Bernshtam (Book Review) Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 41:2 (1982:Apr.) p.208.
– Nestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War. by Michael Malet (Book Review)
Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 42:1 (1983:Jan.) p.113.
– Revoliutsiia i anarkhizm: Iz istorii bor’by revoliutsionnykh demokratov i bol’shevikov protiv anarkhizma (1840-1917 gg.), by S. N. Kanev (Book Review)
Russian Review (Stanford, Calif.) 48:1 (1989:Jan.) p.91.
– "Lane", THE ROOTS OF RUSSIAN COMMUNISM (Book Review) American Historical Review 75:3 (1970:Feb.) p.891.
– E. N. BURDZHALOV. "Vtoraia Russkaia Revoliutsiia: Vosstanie v Petrograde" (Book Review) American Historical Review 76:1 (1971:Feb.) p.171.
– ARTHUR LEHNING. "Michel Bakounine et ses relations avec Sergej Necaev, 1870-1872: Écrits et matériaux;" MICHAEL CONFINO. "Violence dans la violence: Le débat Bakounine-Necaev" (Book Review) American Historical Review 79:2 (1974:Apr.) p.536.
– MICHAEL CONFINO. "Violence dans la violence: Le débat Bakounine-Necaev" (Book Review) American Historical Review 79:2 (1974:Apr.) p.536.
– M. SH. SHIGABUDINOV. "Rabochee dvizhenie na Severnom Kavkaze v gody novogo revoliutsionnogo pod’ema i pervoi mirovoi voiny (1910-fevral’ 1917 gg.)" [The Worker’s Movement in the Northern Caucasus during the New Revolutionary Enthusiasm and the First World War (1910-February 1917)] (Book Review) American Historical Review 79:5 (1974:Dec.) p.1601.
– DAVID CHILDS. "Marx and the Marxists: An Outline of Practice and Theory" (Book Review) American Historical Review 81:1 (1976:Feb.) p.124.
– V. F. PUSTARNAKOV. ’Kapital’ K. Marksa i filosofskaia mysl’v Rossii (Konets XIX-nachalo XX v.) [K. Marx’s "Capital" and Philosophical Thought in Russia (End of the 19th-Beginning of the 20th Century)] (Book Review) American Historical Review: 81:1 (1976:Feb.) p.124
– RICHARD N. HUNT. "The Political Ideas of Marx and Engels". Vol. 1, "Marxism and Totalitarian Democracy, 1818-1850" (Book Review) American Historical Review 81:1 (1976:Feb.) p.124.
– MARTIN A. MILLER. "Kropotkin" (Book Review) American Historical Review 81:5 (1976:Dec.) p.1176.
– JOHN L. H. KEEP. "The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization" (Book Review) American Historical Review 83:1 (1978:Feb.) p.235.
– DAVID DELEON. "The American as Anarchist: Reflections on Indigenous Radicalism" (Book Review) American Historical Review 84:5 (1979:Dec.) p.1467.
– A. S. ORLOV. "Volveniia na Urale v seredine XVIII veka: K voprosu o formirovanii proletariata v Rossii" [Disturbances in the Urals in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century: On the Question of the Formation of a Proletariat in Russia] (Book Review) American Historical Review 85:5 (1980:Dec.) p.1237.
– FREDERIC TRAUTMANN. "The Voice of Terror: A Biography of Johann Most" (Book Review) American Historical Review 86:3 (1981:June) p.659.
– Review of Luigi GALLEANI, The End of Anarchism ? in Black Rose # 10 (Winter 1983)
– AILEEN KELLY. "Mikhail Bakunin: A Study in the Psychology and Politics of Utopianism" (Book Review) American Historical Review 88:5 (1983:Dec.) p.1243.
– ANDREW EZERGAILIS. "The Latvian Impact on the Bolshevik Revolution: The First Phase; September 1917 to April 1918" (Book Review)
American Historical Review 89:4 (1984:Oct.) p.1121.
– ROBERT H. MCNEAL. "Tsar and Cossack, 1855-1914" (Book Review) American Historical Review 93:3 (1988:June) p.738.
– MICHAEL MELANCON. "The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914-1917" (Book Review) American Historical Review 97:2 (1992:Apr.) p.585. Canadian-American Slavic Studies/Revue canadienne-américaine d’études slaves 13:3 (1979:Fall/automne) p.365.
– Bakounine et les autres: Equisses et portraits contemporaines d’un révolutionnaire. Edited by Arthur Lehning (Book Review) Canadian-American Slavic Studies/Revue canadienne-américaine d’études slaves 13:3 (1979:Fall/automne) p.365.
– Linda Gordon. Cossack Rebellions: Social Turmoil in the Sixteenth-Century Ukraine (Book Review) Canadian-American Slavic Studies/Revue canadienne-américaine d’études slaves 17:4 (1983:Winter/hiver)
– Gerson, "The Secret Police in Lenin’s Russia" (Book Review) Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire 12:2 (1977:Dec.) p.274.
– Michael Bakunin. "Statism and Anarchy". Translated and edited by Marshall S. Shatz (Book Review) Russian History/Histoire russe 18:2 (1991:Summer) p.211.
– Kaplan, Frederick I. Bolshevik Ideology and the Ethics of Soviet Labor (Book Review) Labor History 11 (1970) p.387-389. Aller au numéro de la publication
OTHER TITLE: Labor historian’s bulletin / 1953-1959
– Sablinsky, Walter. "The Road to Bloody Sunday: Father Gapon and the St. Petersburg Massacre of 1905" (Book Review) Labor History 18 (1977) p.300-302.
– Hart, John M. Anarchism and the Mexican Working Class, 1860-1931 (Book Review) Labor History 21 (1980) p.622-624
– Ehrlich, Howard J., et al (eds.). "Reinventing Anarchy: What Are Anarchists Thinking These Days?" (Book Review) Labor History 23 (1982) p.440-443.
– Perlin, Terry M. (ed). "Contemporary Anarchism" (Book Review) Labor History 23 (1982) p.440-443.
– Koenker, Diane. Moscow Workers and the 1917 Revolution (Book Review) Labor History 25 (1984) p.304-305.
– Cowden, Morton H. Russian Bolshevism and British Labor, 1917-1921 (Book Review) Labor History 27 (1986) p.146-147.
– Smith, S. A. Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918 (Book Review) Labor History28 (1987) p.418-419.
Paul Avrich has published more than one hundred reviews in such publications as the American–and New Leader. In addition, he has presented numerous papers and lectures before scholarly meetings and conferences
I wish to thank Professor Paul Avrich for his contribution to this bibliography.
Ronald Creagh