MAKHNO, Nestor Ivanovitch (1889-1934) et le mouvement makhnoviste


‘Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933-39

David Berry* [The Popular Front] experiment will be the greatest confirmation of our ideas on the inability of political parties to lead the (...)

Tout pour le collectionneur, même des faux timbres, à la gloire de Nestor Makhno, héros ukrainien

Nestor Makhno, héros anarchiste de la révolution en Ukraine, a suscité et suscite de plus en plus d’objets qui lui font référence. La philatélie n’y a (...)

AVRICH, Paul. Bibliography

A major American historian of anarchism in the United States, but also of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Philately: Anarchism and Stamps

There is a long anarchist tradition of stamp collecting. In most cases, receiving non obliterated stamps paid for the expenses. But often some (...)

Anarchy in Yiddish: Famous Jewish Anarchists from Emma Goldman to Noam Chomsky

Presentation given at Temple Israel Temple Israel, Sat., March 2nd, 2002 It’s a bright May day in Paris in 1926, a quarter after two in the (...)

BERTRAND, Géraldine .- "Makhno, l’anarchisme et la révolution russe"

Mémoire. IEP : Aix-Marseille 3 : 1992. [S.l.] 112 f ; 30 cm. 1992. AIX-MARSEILLE3-BU Droit Sci.Eco.

HOLOTA, Wolodymyr, "Le mouvement makhnoviste ukrainien, 1918-1921, et l’évolution de l’anarchisme européen à travers le débat sur la plate-forme, 1926-1934"

Thèse doctorat de 3e cycle ancien régime, histoire, dir. Christian Gras. Strasbourg 2 : 1976. 3 vol. 774 p. [S.l.] : [s.n.] Bibliothèque (...)

MALET, M. " Nestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1921 "

London School of Economics, Ph.D. 1975

PALIJ, Michael. " The Peasant Partisan Movement of the Anarchist Nestor Makhno ,1918-1921 "

Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1971

Nestor Makhno: The Man Who Saved The Bolsheviki (Part 1)

"Ukraina is not Russia. We are a country of 40 millions, of different stock, with our own language and culture." In the Tenon hospital at (...)

Nestor Makhno: The Man Who Saved The Bolsheviki (Part 2)

"The nearer I came to the Makhno region the more I was struck by the reverence with which the peasants spoke of Makhno." Go to Part 1 Moscow (...)

MAKHNO, Galina Andreevna.

– Makhno, Galina Andreevna. 40 dnei v Guliai-Pole : vospominaniia Matushki Galiny - zheny batÅåki Makhno. Vladimir; Moskva : "Istochnik", 1990. 15 (...)