Philosophie. Postmodernité


BOOKCHIN, Murray. Bibliography

Works 1950 "State Capitalism in Russia," under the pseudonym M. S. Shiloh, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES: A MAGAZINE FOR A DEMOCRACY OF CONTENT, vol. 2, (...)

BOOKCHIN, Murray. Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism : An Unbridgeable Chasm

– 1. "Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism : An Unbridgeable Chasm" – 2. Individualist Anarchism and Reaction – 3. Autonomy or Freedom – 4. (...)

COHN, Jesse E. "’I Have Set My Affair On Nothing’: Literary Theory, Fiction, and the Politics of Antirepresentation,"

State University of New York at Binghamton: Summer 1999 This dissertation is an attempt to develop an anarchist literary theory and explore its (...)

PORTIS, Larry. "Autour de la théorie sociale ’postmoderniste’ : Clivage des générations, rupture épistemologique et crise historique"

L’Homme et la Société, numéros 111-112, janvier-juin 1994 p. 137-154.

JOFF. "The Possibility of an Antihumanist EcoAnarchism" (1) Introduction - The Concept of Naturalism

This work attempts to rethink Bookchin’s animus vis-a-vis the poststructuralism of Derrida & Guattari, Derrida and Foucault and the (...)

JOFF. "The Possibility of an Antihumanist EcoAnarchism" (5) Postmodern Nihilism

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Postmodern Nihilism A hindered and bleak perspective regarding postmodernism (...)

ZERZAN, John. "The Catastrophe of Postmodernism"

"Consumer narcissism and a cosmic "what’s the difference?" mark the end of philosophy as such and the etching of a (...)

CALL, Lewis. Postmodern Anarchism

Lanham: Lexington Books, 2002. 165 pages. ISBN: 0739105221 "Lewis Call explores the anarchist writings of Nietzsche, Foucault, and Baudrillard, (...)

GORDON, Gareth.- Horizons of Change: Deconstruction and the Evanescence of Authority.

ABSTRACT This dissertation considers the troubled relationship between Derridean deconstruction and the realm of theory and action that has (...)

CHAMSY, [El-] Ojeili, "The ’Advance Without Authority’ : Post-Modernism, Libertarian Socialism, and Intellectuals,"

Democracy and Nature, 7:3, November 2001, pp. 391-413 ; online included in his book, From Left Communism to Post-Modernism : Reconsidering (...)

PEREIRA, Irène. "A propos de L’Anarchisme aujourd’hui de Vivien Garcia

L’anarchisme aujourd’hui offre une présentation de la littérature postanarchiste américaine. Il remet en cause, en s’appuyant entre autres sur les (...)

GARCIA, Vivien. "L’anarchisme aujourd’hui".

Sous la direction de Thierry Ménissier. - Grenoble : Université Pierre Mendès France, UFR de Sciences humaines, Département de philosophie, 2005. - 1 (...)