Guerre de Sécession aux États-Unis (1860-1865)


GREENE, William Batchelder. Bibliography

Archives Noston Public Library, Mss. Collection 2 ms letters from W.B.G. to Stephens Symons Foster (Ms. A 92 vol. 32 No. 56) and to Caroline (...)

ANDREWS, Stephen Pearl (March 22, 1812 - May 21, 1886).- Archives and unpublished manuscripts

Manuscripts Andrews Papers. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Seven Boxes. These archives are essential. They include (...)

ANDREWS, Stephen Pearl (March 22, 1812 - May 21, 1886).- Published Works

The Published Works of Stephen Pearl Andrews "Abolition Reasons against Disunion," Young American’s Magazine (May 1847), 159-166. The Alphabet of (...)

CREAGH, Ronald. Reclus et les Amériques (Vidéo)