M - O
MAKHNO, Nestor Ivanovitch (1889-1934)
See all the other references to Nestor MAKHNO in this web
MALATESTA, Errico (born Santa Maria Capus Vetera, Italy 14/12/1853 -died Rome, Italy 22/07/1932)
MALINA, Judith (born Kiel, Germany, June 4, 1926)
Actress, founder with Julian BECK of the "Living Theater"
MICHEL, Louise (born May 29,1830 Vroncourt-la-Côte [Haute-Marne, France] - died Jan. 9, 1905 Marseilles, France
MIRBEAU, Octave (Trévières, Calvados, France 1848 — Paris, 1917)
MOORE, John (1957-2002)
See all the other references to John MOORE in this web
MORRIS, William (born Walthamstow, Essex March, 24 1834 - died Hammersmith, Octobre 3, 1896
NETTLAU, Max (1865-1944), the first historian of anarchism
The first historian of anarchism. The father of them all
O’NEILL, Eugene Gladstone (October 16, 1888 – November 27, 1953)
American playwright