Freedom, London

NETTLAU, Max (1865-1944). Linguiste autrichien et premier historien de l’anarchismeKROPOTKINE, Petr Alekseevitch (1842-1921) Communication. Presse anarchiste : 19e siècleCommunication. Presse anarchiste : 20e sièclePresse anarchiste (diverses langues) : 21° siècleGrande-Bretagne : Histoire de l’anarchisme.- 19e siècleSHAW, George BernardKEEL, Thomas H.MERLINO, Francesco SaverioWILSON, Charlotte (1854-1944). Rédactrice anglaise de Freedom, Londres* bibliographieGrande-Bretagne : Histoire de l’anarchisme.- 20e siècle.BRADLAUGH, Charles (1833-1891) Grande-Bretagne : 21e siècledocument original spécialement rédigé pour le site "Recherche sur l’anarchisme"

Freedom, London, Vol I. No. 1 October 1886. The first editor was Charlotte M. Wilson 1886-1895, assisted by a group of friends of Peter Kropotkin : Dr. Merlino, the Hydes. George Bernard Shaw, Max Nettlau and Kropotkin. The paper was printed by the Socialist League Printing Office (Farrington Road) thanks to the graceful authorization of William Morris and the Freethought Publishing group, who rented at a very low cost a business room on 34, Bowerie St.
However, after the Haymarket events in Chicago (1886-1887), Charles Bradlaugh, in charge of the Freethinkers group, did not want to have any more relations with the anarchists. Furthermore, the room was occupied by Annie Besant’s The Link. The anarchist writers emigrated to the The Socialist, Cursitor St. until that journal disappeared in 1888.
The successive editors were Alfred Marsh 1895-1912. Thomas H. Keel 1912-1932. Freedom was succeeded by Spain and the World 1936-1938, edited by Vernon Richards. It changed its name to Revolt in 1939 and was continued as War Commentary,.
1945 Renamed Freedom
Freedom : The Anarchist Weekly.
Freedom (London, England : 1947)
Variant titles :
Vol. 36, no. 12/13 and no. 13/14 [i.e. 14/15] published under title : Anarchist Freedom.
Vol. 47, no. 9 (Oct. 1986) has title : Freedom, a hundred years : October 1886 to October 1986.
Anarchist fortnightly freedom. London : Freedom Press, v. : ill. ; 31-44 cm.
Published to the present day.
 CIRA, Lausanne 1886-2014 (incomplet)
 Harvard University, Mass, USA : vol. 8-33(1947-1972) available at Harvard University, microfilm and at Widener Depository (Harvard) since 1949 to the present day.
 International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Holland which also has the very first issues and a large number of the following ones.
 Columbia University
 Cornell University Library has 1886-1927 and microform vol. 29-38.