HEGEL, G. W. M. (1770-1831). Philosophe


CLARK, John. A Social Ecology. 02. A Dialectical Holism

Previous: Presentation 1. The Social and the Ecological A Dialectical Holism A social ecology, as a holistic vision, seeks to relate all (...)

DEL GIUDICE, M.N. "The Young Bakunin and Left Hegelianism: The Origins of Russian Radicalism and the Theory of Praxis, 1814-1842"

Ph. D. , McGill-Queens University, Canada, 1982

2000 Mai. Congrès de Venise. "L’anarchiste et le juif, histoire d’une rencontre"

Compte-rendu de Freddy Gomez de l’ouvrage "L’anarchico e l’ebreo, storia di un incontro". Textes rassemblés et présentés par Amedeo Bertolo (...)

JOFF. "The Possibility of an Antihumanist EcoAnarchism" (1) Introduction - The Concept of Naturalism

This work attempts to rethink Bookchin’s animus vis-a-vis the poststructuralism of Derrida & Guattari, Derrida and Foucault and the (...)

JOFF. "The Possibility of an Antihumanist EcoAnarchism" (2) Dialectical Naturalism

Page 1 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Dialectical Naturalism Central to the project of dialectical naturalism is the (...)

JOFF. "The Possibility of an Antihumanist EcoAnarchism" (7) Transhuman(t)ism

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 9 Transhuman(t)ism In thinking the ‘outside’ of Hegel’s confinement of reason, Deleuze (...)

BAKOUNINE, Michel. Dieu et l’Etat (09) Du monothéisme au christianisme

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 10 Page 11 Le second pas, dans le développement des croyances religieuses, et le (...)

GEZERLIS, Alexandros. "Castoriadis and the Project of Autonomy. A Review of The Imaginary Institution of Society

Abstract This paper examines the concepts of individual and social autonomy in Castoriadis’ writings, and then moves on to discuss the ‘dichotomy’ (...)

PEREIRA, Irène. "Bakounine : La révolte de la vie contre le gouvernement de la science"

H.Arvon a publié, il y a quarante ans, un choix de textes accompagné d’une présentation de la pensée de Bakounine intitulé Bakounine ou la vie contre (...)

LOUREAU, René. " Voies libertaires de la connaissance "

Deux points importants du savoir dit libertaire, c’est-à-dire chez les chercheurs anarchistes, quelques aspects des pensées de Proudhon et (...)

Pereira-Colson dialogue. 2. Pereira to Colson

Previous letter I would like to express more clearly what poses a problem for me in your position as it is expressed in your article as well as (...)

Pereira-Colson dialogue. 3. Colson to Pereira

Previous Pereira’s first letter Pereira’s second letter Dear Irene Pereira, I am not sure that I myself am very qualified. But I thank you for (...)