HEYWOOD, Ezra. Bibliography
The Great Strike: Its Relations to Labor, Property and Government. Princeton, Mass.: Co-operative Publishing Co., 1878. 23 (...)
The Great Strike: Its Relations to Labor, Property and Government. Princeton, Mass.: Co-operative Publishing Co., 1878. 23 (...)
Argentina, 1973, color, 95’. Director: Ricardo Wullicher Assistant Director: Felipe López Guión: José María Paolantonio Photography: Miguel (...)
USA, 2002 B&W and color 16mm., 53’. Director: Travis Wilkerson Script: Travis Wilkerson Cinematography: Travis Wilkerson Music: Various (...)
Argentina, 1974. Color, 107 mins., 16 mm. Scenario by Fernando Ayala, Osvaldo Bayer, Héctor Olivera. Cinematography by Victor Hugo Caula. (...)
Mexico, 1977. Color, 35 mm, 120 mins. In English and Spanish. Screenplay by Marcela Fernández Kafka and Pedro Miret. Cinematography by Gabriel (...)
Mestrado. Orientador: Leda Maria Pereira Rodrigues. Data da defesa: agosto 1978. PUC/SP RESUMO O trabalho observa essencialmente a amplitude e o (...)
Orientador: Mauricio Tragtenberg . Data da defesa: agosto 1984. IFCH RESUMO Esta dissertação resgata a mais importante tentativa de greve dos (...)
Doutorado. Orientador: Edgar Salvadori de Decca. Data da defesa: agosto 1996. IFCH RESUMO Recontar a história da greve geral de julho de 1917 em (...)
Biographie Figure éminente de l’anarchisme, Malatesta en est l’un des principaux fondateurs, son influence ayant largement dépassé les frontières (...)
Source : Xavier Bekaert Anarchisme, Violence, Non-violence Petite anthologie de la révolution non-violente chez les principaux précurseurs et (...)
Etrangère à toute mode, la peinture de Fermin Rocker porte les traces de l’image paternelle, de Rudolf Rocker, affronté aux nazis en Allemagne, (...)
Exterior to all fashions, Fermin Rocker’s paintings convey the memory of his father, Rudolf Rocker. Too modest to be called a working-class hero, (...)