Politics and Political Theory
Nationalism - Revolution - Alternative Social Movements - Peace and Antiwar Movements
National and other Issues: see in the Regions concerned or in Ideas to Explore
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Anarchist Press - Anarchist cultural events on the Agenda
Global Issues - Globalization - International Relations
Regional Issues
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International Relations
Global Issues - Globalization - International Relations Regional Issues – Africa – Asia – Europe – Latin America – Middle East – North America (...)
Nationalism is a very complex structure which changes through time and space. It must not be confused with movements of national liberation, (...)
“No revolution, as spectacular as it might appear to the masses that it arouses, ever brings a single new thing into the world. It is limited to (...)
MICHAEL, Mike. "The Power-Persuasion-Identity Nexus: Anarchism and Actor Networks’
Anarchist Studies, Volume 2, 2003 No.1 " This paper argues that power (and the power of the state) is fundamentally concerned with persuasion (...)
David PORTER: The Politics of Le Guin’s Opus
Originally published in Science Fiction Studies #7 - Volume 2, Part 3, November 1975. Accessed January 13, 2019 at (...)
ROCKER, Rudolf: Anarchism and Sovietism
Perhaps the reader thinks he has found a flaw in the above title and that the soviet system and the dictatorship of the proletariat are one and (...)
NOYS, Benjamin. The Savage Ontology of Insurrection: Negativity, Life, and Anarchy
Instead of the brokering some kind of forced liaison between anarchist thought and poststructuralism, what I want to do here is to probe a shared (...)
Rancière and Anarchism
Democracy first of all means this: anarchic ‘government,’ one based on nothing other than the absence of every title to govern. Démocratie veut dire (...)
KIOUPKIOLIS, Alexandros. Radical Democracy, Biopolitical Emancipation and Anarchic Dilemmas
Introduction Contemporary visions of radical democracy mark themselves off from other democratic paradigms through the stronger accent that they (...)
NEWMAN, Saul. Postanarchism and space: revolutionary fantasies and autonomous zones
Abstract In this paper, I call for a re-consideration of anarchism and its alternative ways of conceptualising spaces for radical politics. Here (...)
ROSS, Stephanie. "The Strategic Implications of Anti-Statism in the Global Justice Movement"
LABOUR, Capital and Society 41:1 (2008) pp. 7-32. "In this paper I engage with the theoretical roots of anti-statism and argue it is rooted (...)
CHRISTOYANNOPOULOS, Alexandre."Responding to the State: Christian Anarchists on Romans 13, Rendering to Caesar, and Civil Disobedience"
Religious Anarchism, New Pespectives, edited by Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos (Newcatle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2009), (...)
GEMIE, Sharif and CLARK, Patricia. "Anarchism and Democracy"
in Roland Axtmann (ed), Understanding Democratic Politics (London: Sage, 2003), pp.261-270.
GEMIE, Sharif. "Jean B. Elshtain: the unjust philosopher of the just war"
Anarchist Studies 10:2 (2002), pp.165-172.
CARTER, A. "Analytical anarchism: Some conceptual foundations’
Political theory (2000) 28 (2) pp. 230-253.