

WARD, Colin. A Bibliography: 1. Books

Colin Ward’s impressive bibliography, the quality of his writings and his personal participation in the anarchist movement contribute to make him (...)

ARMAND, E. (1872-1962). pseud. Ernest-Lucien Juin. Biographie par Xavier Bekaert

Source : Xavier Bekaert Anarchisme, Violence, Non-violence Petite anthologie de la révolution non-violente chez les principaux précurseurs et (...)

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876).- Works

Bakunin on anarchism / edited, translated and with an introduction by Sam Dolgoff. Montreal : Black Rose Books, c1980. xiii, 453 p. : port. ; 22 (...)

WARD, Colin. A Bibliography: 2. Articles

“Allied Military Government”, War Commentary, London (Dec. 1943). 9 articles in Freedom (1945) on the postwar squatters movement “Origins of the (...)

BEVINGTON, Louisa Sarah (Guggenberger). (1845-1895). English woman poet and anarchist

Archives Bevington, Louise. 5 letters to Louise Michel. 1894, 1895, s.d.International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (Holland) (...)

HAMILTON, Carol Vanderveer. " Dynamite: Anarchy As Modernist Aesthetic "

Ph.D. 1993. 213 P. University Of California, Berkeley,Chair: Carolyn Porter DAI, VOL. 54-11A “In modernist literature, I argue, the word (...)

HINELY, Susan Denene. " Charlotte Wilson: Anarchist, Fabian, and Feminist "

Ph. D., Stanford University, 1987. 2 vol. 563 p. DAI, VOL. 49-02A, Page 0325 “This is a study of the meaning of socialism, anarchism, and (...)

MOTTA, Carol Rogers. " Poetics of the 1968 student revolutions in France, Brazil and the United States "

Ph. D. The Pennsylvania State University,1999. 305 p. Adviser: Liu, Kang. ISBN: 0-599-64409-5 Source: DAI-A 61/02, p. 600, Aug 2000 "This (...)

PREVOST, G.F. " Raids on Human Consciousness: Writing, Anarchy, and Violence "

Ph.D. 1994. 528 p. The University Of Wisconsin & Milwaukee, Supervisor: Herbert Blau DAI, VOL. 55-06A, Page 1557 Pursues the thematic of (...)

DI GIOVANNI, Severino: - BAYER, Osvaldo. Anarchism & Violence: Severino Di Giovanni

Introd. by Jean Weir and Alfred Bonnano. Elephant Editions, 1986. Rev. in Anarchy 38 (1985]

DESSERTINE, Pierre-Jean. " Essai d’élucidation d’une nouvelle forme de violence "

"La violence actuelle se donne comme arbitraire." Dans l’actualité, il est désormais beaucoup question de manifestations violentes de la part de (...)

GARNIER, Philippe. "Scènes de la violence ordinaire"

" Panem et circenses (Du pain et du cirque). Pour cela, il faut des gladiateurs et des spectateurs, dans une connivence cachée." C’est la sortie (...)