Philosophie. Anarchisme : témoignages, conceptions, questionnements, réflexions, philosophies, théories

Ceux qui se lancent dans une réflexion approfondie de la pensée anarchiste abordent la question de manières diverses. On peut ainsi comparer les approches de John Clark, Eduardo Colombo, Daniel Colson, David Graeber, Tomás Ibáñez, Gaetano Manfredonia, Irène Pereira et Annick Stevens, pour ne citer que quelques-uns dont on dispose des textes en français.

Pour en savoir plus


BOOKCHIN, Murray. Bibliography

Works 1950 "State Capitalism in Russia," under the pseudonym M. S. Shiloh, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES: A MAGAZINE FOR A DEMOCRACY OF CONTENT, vol. 2, (...)

COHN, Jesse. Political Modern Fiction and Literature Theorist. Bibliography

– See also Summary of Dissertation – "An Exemplary Failure: Pat Murphy’s The City, Not Long After and the Dilemmas of Anarchist Utopian Fiction," (...)

ANDREWS, Stephen Pearl (March 22, 1812 - May 21, 1886).- Published Works

The Published Works of Stephen Pearl Andrews "Abolition Reasons against Disunion," Young American’s Magazine (May 1847), 159-166. The Alphabet of (...)

ACKELSBERG, Martha. Historian and political theorist

American Professor at the Department of Government of Smith College (Northampton, Mass., U.S.A.) where she teaches Applied Democracy and Women’s (...)

BOOKCHIN, Murray. Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism : An Unbridgeable Chasm

– 1. "Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism : An Unbridgeable Chasm" – 2. Individualist Anarchism and Reaction – 3. Autonomy or Freedom – 4. (...)

CARTER, Alan. A Philosopher’s Bibliography (Selected, of course)

[Web Page >] Many abstracts of the following publications may be found on the web (...)

COLOMBO, Eduardo. Psicoanalista, filósofo e historiador francoargentino. Publicaciones en español

Bibliografía completa 1961 "El vampiro : estudio de un rumor". (En collaboratión avec Fidel Moccio). In Acta Psiquiátrica Argentina, Buenos Aires, (...)

WARD, Colin. A Bibliography: 1. Books

Colin Ward’s impressive bibliography, the quality of his writings and his personal participation in the anarchist movement contribute to make him (...)

MALATESTA, Errico.- Anarchia

Anarchia è parola che viene dal greco, e significa propriamente senza governo: stato di un popolo che si regge senza autorità costituite, senza (...)

MALATESTA, Errico.- Il Programma anarchico

Il programma dell’Unione Anarchica Italiana è il programma comunista anarchico rivoluzionario, che già da cinquant’anni fu sostenuto in Italia nel (...)

CLARK, John P. A Bibliography

Publications in English and other languages except French and Italian Français - Italiano 1972 "Creating a New School" in Innovative Education (...)

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876).- Works

Bakunin on anarchism / edited, translated and with an introduction by Sam Dolgoff. Montreal : Black Rose Books, c1980. xiii, 453 p. : port. ; 22 (...)