ABRAMS, Ann Uhry. "A Catalyst for Change : American Art and Revolution, 1905-1915"
Ph. D., Emory University, 1975. Includes a description of the Stelton artistic experience
Ph. D., Emory University, 1975. Includes a description of the Stelton artistic experience
Ph. D., , Brown University, 2000.220 p. Adviser: Edward J. Ahearn. DAI-A 61/09, p. 3595, Mar 2001 The relation between anarchy and art does (...)
Yale University, Ph.D. 1957
Ph.D. 1994. 294 p. The University of Western Ontario (Canada) Adviser: Thomas E. Tansky DAI, VOL. 56-01A, Page 0204 “Chapter One documents the (...)
332 P. Ph.d. 1986. New York University DAI, VOL. 47-08A, Page 3158 “This thesis concerns the development of anarchism in Paris during the late (...)
Ph. D., Princeton University, 1997, 552 p. ADVISER:Yoshiaki Shimizu. ISBN 0-591-50549-5 DAI-A 58/07, p. 2432, Jan 1998 The Japanese (...)
Entre la Joconde, un cheval de Lascaux, une composition de Soulages, l’objet hétéroclite inventé dans un atelier psychiatrique et le « bonhomme » (...)
The coming together of two successful events in libertarian culture is giving shape to the creation of the 1st International Window of Anarchic (...)
Commisión de correspondencia del Arte editorial Dirigirse a: Archivio fam. Berneri-A.Chessa Via Tavolata, 6 42100 Reggio Emilia Tel.0522 439323 (...)
Herausgeber, Verlag, Selbstverleger, Adresse, E-mail Teilnahme mit folgendem Material Anwesenheit mit aktiver Teilnahme Gewünschte Förderung (...)
"we see the earliest evidence of symbolic division, as with the half-human, half-beast stone faces at El Juyo."
All’interno della Vetrina internazionale delle Culture anarchiche e libertarie, tenutasi il 2-3-4 settembre 2005 a Firenze, particolare rilevanza (...)