ADAMS, Matthew S.- "The Possibilities of Anarchist History"
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (2013) 1 ABSTRACT While the study of anarchism has undergone a renaissanc e in recent years, (...)
"The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it."
Oscar Wilde
Ackelsberg, Martha -Adamo, Pietro - Antliff, Allan W. - Antony, Michel - Auzias, Claire - Avrich, Paul - Bantman, Constance- Beaunie, Eric - Berry, David - Berti, Gianpietro - Berti, Nico - Bianco, René - Breton, Roland - Camacho, Diego - Cerrito, Gino - D’Attilio, Rober - Delhom, Joel - Enckell, Marianne - Felici, Isabelle - Ferguson, Kathy E. - Ferrua, Pietro - Gambone, Larry - Gandini, Jean-Jacques - Gemie, Sharif - Ghio, Paul - Giraud, Didier - Giraud, Marielle - Gómez, Freddy - Goyens, Tom - Joll, James - La Coss Donald - Lehning, Arthur - Levy, Carl - Maitron, Jean - Marshall, Peter H. - Masini, Pier-Carlo - Mintz, Franck - Nettlau, Max - Numann, Stanislav K. - Peiratz, José - Pernicone, Nunzio - Porter, David - Portis, Larry - Porton, Richard - Preposiet, Jean - Prichard, Alex - Pucciarelli, Domenico Mimmo - Shaffer, Kirwin Ray - Turcato, Davide - Vaccaro, Salvo - Van der Walt, Lucien - Woodcock, George - Zinn, Howard
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (2013) 1 ABSTRACT While the study of anarchism has undergone a renaissanc e in recent years, (...)
William Godwin (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984) Cuba Libre: Breaking the Chains? (London: Victor Gollancz, 1987; Boston: Faber & (...)
Originally printed in Fifth Estate #364, Spring, 2004
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 2000 1(3): 507-530. The Soviet historian Natal’ia Mikhailovna Pirumova (1923-97) managed to (...)